Traffic Safety Tips: Help Make this a Safe Winter Season

As winter approaches, we know that severe weather will be part of our daily lives for the next several months. While traffic safety is an important matter all year long, this is a particularly good time to review what we can do to keep students safe.

The need to be aware and alert at all times, on any road, and even in the most routine circumstances is key to traffic safety. This applies to students and drivers alike. Road conditions can be challenging in the winter months. So to those of us who drive, please take extra care on the roads and in parking lots, especially in areas where children might be present.

School staff periodically review street and traffic safety with students. Parents can help reinforce these safety messages with children at home. Below are some tips that might be helpful to review.

– Stop, look, and listen for traffic.
– Only cross at corners and crosswalks.
– Make eye contact with drivers.
– Walk on the right side of the crosswalk.
– Wear appropriate footwear to reduce the chances of slipping.
– Never run into the street.
– Obey crossing signals.
– Cross only if clear.
– Walk on sidewalks.
– Where there are no sidewalks, walk as far away from traffic as possible, facing traffic.

The safety of our students is always a top priority. Let’s work together to make the winter season safe so we can enjoy all it has to offer